
Showing posts from January, 2010


众里寻他千百度。蓦然回首,那人却在灯火阑珊处。 ——辛弃疾《青玉案·元夕》 读了 想了 念了 痛了 悔了 哭了 完了..? 又哭了..

18 Jan 2010 3.07pm

suppose to consult ms.pushpa about mms paper tmr early in the morning in the end.. overslept..hehe these day while i prepare for my final keep thinking of what am i suppose to do after my graduation i do know deep inside i want to go back kluang and serve but there are things that i need to take consideration should i work in singapore to get some saving and pay my ptptn loan? or should i just go back and trust God will provide? is a hard decision..
Final exam start!!! that's mean i am one step closer to my graduation a lots and a lots of uncertain feeling inside me hmm.. am i worry too much? you know i really enjoy the time be with you although i know is just me..i mean feel that way til now i still cant think of any reason that can explain my feeling towards you after so long and so many things i think i will just keep thing the way you want it to be shall we?